Friday, July 26, 2013

Reading Reflection #6

Students Help Their Teachers Learn Technology
            This article’s author, Kelsey Vroomunn, told a great story of her failure to teach tech integration and the ways that she overcame her failure. When Vroomunn realized she was not effectively able to instruct her fellow teachers on how to implement new tech tools into their classrooms, she looked for an alternative way to provide her peers with help. The solution became a student-led tech club, where students were trained to tutor teachers in tech tools, such as iMovie, Prezi and Glogster. The student tutors were even offered minimum wage for the hours they worked with the teachers. Students met once a month to receive direct training in selected tech programs, and then offered tutoring to teachers who shared common breaks. Students were also available to serve as tech aids when they had breaks in their schedule and teachers wanted extra hands on deck to implement a program in class.
            I thought that this idea of Vroomunn’s was brilliant! I loved the concept of involving the students in the teachers’ learning. It is a great development program for the students to be involved in, and an effective way for teachers to learn the new tech tools. I think this idea would definitely take time to bring administrators on board, but if it was possible I bet the program would be very successful. I think I would suggest a program similar to this if I think teachers are lacking effective tech instruction.
            This article effectively captures the ISTE NETS Student Standard 6. The student tech club provides a way for students to learn and use new technology systems, use applications effectively and productively, think on their feet to troubleshoot systems and continuously learn new knowledge in the tech world. I love the way that the club challenges students to stay up to date on their tech knowledge, and encourages them to instruct others in these programs. I think the club will instill strong life skills in these students that they will carry with them beyond school.

Vroomunn, K. (2013). Students Help Their Teachers Learn Technology. Learning and Leading with Technology, 40(7). 34-35. Retrieved from:

1 comment:

  1. Lindsey,

    Another great idea!

    I think the only hurdle to this type of program would be getting teachers comfortable with being taught. Many teacher want to feel in control and are uncomfortable with accepting guidance from students. However I am not one of the people so I see it as an amazing idea! There is no doubt in my mind that as technology advances and I age, the younger generations will be more tech savvy than I am and I would embrace their tutoring!

